发布时间:2016-10-19   访问次数:1986





    博导 教授 国家杰出青年基金获得者 “新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选
从事生物化工、发酵工程与应用微生物学研究,发表SCI论文200篇,被他引二千余次,h指数25,由Springer出版著作4本,国际会议特邀报告50余次。已培养硕博士50多名,活跃在高校、研究所及企业.曾获日本生物工学会首届Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize,教育部自然科学一等奖,上海市自然科学二等奖,韩国KSBB国际学术交流奖,“全国优秀留学回国人员”称号等。

亚洲生物技术联合会(AFOB)秘书长,Process Biochem主编,Biotechnol Appl Biochem主编,Biotechnol Bioeng副主编,Bioproc Biosys Eng副主编等9SCI刊物编委。


1. Xu YN, Xia XX, Zhong JJ*. Induced effect of Na+ on ganoderic acid biosynthesis in static liquid culture of Ganoderma lucidum via calcineurin signal transduction. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013, 110(7): 1913-1923
2. Tan GY, Bai LQ*, Zhong JJ*. Exogenous 1,4-butyrolactone stimulates A-factor cascade and validamycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces hygroscopicus 5008. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013 (DOI 10.1002/bit.24965)
3. Dong HW, Fan LQ, Luo ZC, Zhong JJ, Ryu DDY*, Bao J*. Improvement of ethanol productivity and energy efficiency by degradation of inhibitors using recombinant Zymomonas mobilis (pHW20a-fdh). Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013 (DOI: 10.1002/bit.24897)
4. Fan C, Qi K, Xia XX, Zhong JJ*. Efficient ethanol production from corncob residues by repeated fermentation of an adapted yeast. Bioresour Technol, 2013, 136: 309-315
5. Yong YC, Zhong JJ*. Regulation of aromatics biodegradation by rhl quorum sensing system through induction of catechol meta-cleavage pathway. Bioresour Technol, 2013, 136: 761-765
6. Wang JL, Gu T, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced recovery of antitumor ganoderic acid T from Ganoderma lucidum mycelia by novel chemical conversion strategy. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2012, 109(3): 754-762
7. Xu YN, Zhong JJ*. Impacts of calcium signal transduction on the fermentation production of antitumor ganoderic acids by medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Biotechnol Adv, 2012, 30: 1301-1308
8. Baque MA, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Zhong JJ, Paek KY*. Production of biomass and useful compounds from adventitious roots of high-value added medicinal plants using bioreactor. Biotechnol Adv 2012, 30: 1255-1267
9. Zhou WW, Ma B, Tang YJ, Zhong JJ, Zheng XD*. Enhancement of validamycin A production by addition of ethanol in fermentation of Streptomyces hygroscopicus 5008. Bioresour Technol, 2012, 114: 616-621
10. Xu JW, Xu YN, Zhong JJ*. Enhancement of ganoderic acid accumulation by overexpression of an N5 terminal truncated 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase gene in basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, 78(22): 7968-7976
11. Zhou X, Zhong JJ*. Quantitative influence of endogenous salicylic acid level on taxuyunnanine C biosynthesis in suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2011, 108(1): 216-221
12. Wei ZH, Bai LQ, Deng ZX, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced production of validamycin A by H2O2-induced reactive oxygen species in fermentation of Streptomyces hygroscopicus 5008. Bioresour Technol, 2011, 102: 1783-1787
13. Lin JX, Bai LQ, Deng ZX, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced production of ansamitocin P-3 by addition of isobutanol in fermentation of Actinosynnema pretiosum. Bioresour Technol, 2011, 102: 1863-1868
14. Dong HW, Bao J*, Ryu DDY*, Zhong JJ*. Design and construction of improved new vectors for Zymomonas mobilis recombinants. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2011, 108: 1616-1627
15. Zhao W, Xu JW, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced production of ganoderic acids in static liquid culture of Ganoderma lucidum under nitrogen-limiting conditions. Bioresour Technol, 2011, 102: 8185–8190
16. Wang XY, Xu YQ, Lin SJ, Liu ZZ, Zhong JJ*. Novel antiphytopathogenic compound 2-heptyl-5-hexylfuran-3-carboxylic acid, produced by newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. strain SJT25. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, 77: 6253-6257
17. Xu Y, Zhong JJ*. Significance of oxygen supply in production of a novel antibiotic by Pseudomonas sp. SJT25. Bioresour Technol, 2011, 102: 9167-9174
18. Jia YL, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced production of ansamitocin P-3 by addition of Mg2+ in fermentation of Actinosynnema pretiosum. Bioresour Technol, 2011, 102(21): 10147-10150
19. Yong YC, Zhong JJ*. A genetically engineered whole-cell pigment-based bacterial biosensing system for quantification of N-butyryl homoserine-lactone quorum-sensing signal. Biosens Bioelectron, 2009, 25: 41-47
20. Yue CJ, Zhou X, Zhong JJ*. Protopanaxadiol 6-hydroxylase and its role in regulating the ginsenoside heterogeneity in Panax notoginseng cells. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2008, 100(5): 933-940

上海市200240,闵行区东川路800号,上海交通大学 生命科学技术学院,微生物代谢国家重点实验室