发布时间:2025-03-10   访问次数:14

王勇 博士








作为项目负责人,先后主持完成了国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发计划、国家重大新药创制专项、自然科学基金等多项国家或省部级科研项目。近年来在Nat Commun, Mol Plant, Cell Res, Org Lett, Metab Eng等本领域重要国际期刊上发表论文110余篇,出版学术专著2部,专利50余项,多项基于合成生物技术的天然产物产品实现了产业化推广,推动了行业进步。







1. 基于植物底盘的药用植物活性成分研究及其应用, 2019.7-2025.1, 科技部国家重点研发计划“合成生物学”重点专项, 2448万元, 项目负责人;

2.  药用植物活性成分的合成生物学研究及产业化, 2020.10-2023.09,上海市科委2020年度优秀学术技术带头人计划,40万,项目负责人

3. 黄芩素及野黄芩素的微生物法合成,2019.11-2022.10,国家合成生物技术创新中心创新能力提升行动,80 万,项目负责人;

4. 老年病原料药的生物合成,中国科学院重点部署项目,2017.05-2019.0495万,课题负责人

5. 紫杉醇生物合成关键基因元件挖掘,中国科学院重点部署项目,2018.01-2019.01150万,课题负责人 

6. 天然产物糖基化修饰的底盘设计及适配,2017.01-2020.12,自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,项目负责人


1. Mao Y, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Wang G, Fan      H, Zhang X, Sun Y, Wang Y* (2024) De novo synthesis of      1-phenethylisoquinoline in engineered Escherichia coli.Synth      Syst Biotechnol. 10(1):271-280.

2. Zhang Q, Wu Y, Huang X*, Liu H*, and      Wang Y*2024Design      and Optimization for Efficient Production of (S)-Canadine in Escherichia      coli. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.  18 (12): 6941-6951

3. Tian C, Li J, Wu Y, Wang G, Zhang Y,      Zhang X, Sun Y*, Wang Y*2024. An Integrative Database and Its      Application for Plant Synthetic Biology Research. Plant Commun. 5:100827

4. Tian, C, Li, J, Wang, Y* (2023).      From qualitative to quantitative: the state of the art and challenges for      plant synthetic biology. Quant. Biol. 11(3): 214–230.

5. Mao Y, Wang G, Li J, Feng Z, Ren Y, Sun      Y*, and Wang Y* (2023) Discovery of Class I Diterpene Cyclases Producing a Tetracyclic Cephalotene Skeleton in Plum      Yews. ACS Catal. 13, 86008612      

6. Sun Y, Shao J, Liu H, Wang H, Wang G, Li J, Mao Y, Chen Z, Ma K, Xu L, Wang Y*. 2023A chromosome-level genome of Isodon rubescens reveals that tandem-duplicated CYP706V oxidase genes control oridonin biosynthesis in shoot apex. Mol      Plant. 16(3):517-532

7. Sun Y, Chen Z, Wang G, Lv H, Mao Y,      Ma K, Wang Y*2022. De novo production of versatile      oxidized kaurene diterpenes in Escherichia coli. Metab Eng73: 201-213

8. Tian C, Zhang Y, Li J, Wang Y*(2022), Benchmarking intrinsic promoters and terminators for plant synthetic      biology, BioDesign Research26:2022:9834989.

9. Liu Z, Xu J, Feng Z, Wang Y*(2022), Multi-strategy engineering unusual sugar TDP-l-mycarose biosynthesis to improve the production of 3-O-α-mycarosylerythronolide B in Escherichia coli, Synth Syst Biotechnol, 7( 2), 756-764

10. Ji D, Li J, Ren Y*, Wang Y*(2022). Rational engineering in Escherichia coli for high-titer production of baicalein based on genome-scale target identification. Biotechnol     Bioeng. 119(7):1916-1925.

11. Xu J, Liu Z, Feng Z, Ren Y, Liu H*, Wang Y*(2022). Rapid Mining of Novel α-Glucosidase and Lipase Inhibitors from Streptomyces sp. HO1518 Using UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS. Mar Drugs. 20(3):189.

12. Zhang Y, Wang Z, Chen Z, Jin Z, Hasan A,Wang H ,Sun Y, Qiao X,* Wang Y* and Ye M* (2022). A Highly Selective 2’’-O-Glycosyltransferase from Ziziphus jujuba and De novo Biosynthesis of Isovitexin 2’’-O-glucoside. Chem Comm. 58, 2472-2475

13. Liu ZF, Xu JL,Liu HL, Wang Y*(2022). Engineered eryF hydroxylase improving heterologous polyketide Erythronolide B production in Escherichia coli. Microbial Biotechnol. 15(5):1598-1609

14. Mao Y, Chen Z, Ren Y, Sun Y*Wang Y* (2021). Whole-Cell Biocatalyst for Rubusoside      Production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Agric Food Chem. 10;69(44):13155-13163.

15. Li J, Xu F, Ji D, Tian C, Sun Y, Mutanda I, Ren Y, Wang Y*(2021). Diversion of metabolic flux towards 5-deoxy(iso)flavonoid production via enzyme self-assembly in Escherichia coli. Metab Eng Commun. 13:e00185.

16. Lv H, Zhang Y, Shao J,, Liu H, Wang Y* (2021), Ferulic acid production by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli, Bioresour Bioprocess, 8:70

17. Xu J, Liu Z, Zhang X, Liu H* Wang, Y* (2021). Microbial Oligosaccharides with Biomedical Applications. Mar. Drugs, 19(6): 350.

18. Chen Z, Sun Y, Wang G, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Li J, Wang Y* (2021), De novo biosynthesis of C-arabinosylated flavones by utilization of indica rice C-glycosyltransferases,Bioresour Bioprocess, 8(1):49

19. Ji D, Li J, Xu F, Ren Y*, Wang Y* (2021), Improve the Biosynthesis of Baicalein and Scutellarein via Manufacturing Self-Assembly Enzyme Reactor In Vivo. ACS Synth Biol. 10(5):1087-1094.

20. Mutanda I, Li J, Xu F, Wang Y* (2021), Recent Advances in Metabolic Engineering, Protein Engineering, and Transcriptome-Guided Insights Toward Synthetic Production of Taxol, Front in Bioeng Biotech. 9:632269.

21. Shao J, Sun Y, Liu H, Wang Y* (2021). Pathway elucidation and engineering of plant-derived diterpenoids. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 69:10-16.

22. Xu J, Liu H, Liu Z, Ren Y, Wang Y*(2020). Acylated Aminooligosaccharides from the Yellow Sea Streptomyces sp. HO1518 as Both α-Glucosidase and Lipase Inhibitors,Mar. Drugs 18(11), 576

23. Sun Y, Chen Z, Yang J, Mutanda I, Li S, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Wang Y* (2020), Pathway-specific enzymes from bamboo and crop leaves biosynthesize anti-nociceptive  C-glycosylated flavones, Commun Biol, 3(1):110.

24. Liu Z, Li J, Sun Y, Zhang P*, Wang Y* (2020)Structural  Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism of a Plant Diterpene Glycosyltransferase SrUGT76G1, Plant Commun, 1(1)100004

25. Li J, Mutanda I, Wang K, Yang L, Wang J, Wang Y*(2019), Chloroplastic metabolic engineering coupled with isoprenoid pool enhancement for committed taxanes biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana, Nat Commun, 10(1):4850. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12879-y.

26. Li J, Tian C, Xia Y, Mutanda I, Wang K, Wang Y* (2019),Production of plant-specific flavones baicalein and scutellarein in an engineered E. coli from available phenylalanine and tyrosine, Metab Eng, 52124-133

27. Liu H, E H, Xie D, Cheng W, Tao W, Wang Y* (2018) Acylated  Aminooligosaccharides with Inhibitory Effects against α-Amylase from Streptomyces sp. HO1518.Mar. Drugs, 16(11)403

28. Sun Y, Chen Z, Li J, Li J, Lv H, Yang J, Li W, Xie D, Xiong Z, Zhang P, Wang Y* (2018) Diterpenoid UDP-glycosyltransferases from Chinese Sweet Tea and Ashitaba Complete the Biosynthesis of Rubusoside.Mol Plant. 11(10):1308-1311

29. Li W, Zhou Y, You W, Yang M, Ma Y, Wang M, Wang Y, Yuan S, Xiao Y*2018. Development of Photoaffinity Probe for the Discovery of Steviol Glycosides Biosynthesis Pathway in Stevia rebuadiana and Rapid Substrate Screening. ACS Chem Biol. 13(8):1944-1949



1.  王勇郝玉有. 一种阵列式高通量分离培养微生物装置,中国专利,ZL 201210548502.9,授权日:2015/11/18

2.  王勇, 熊智强, 汪建峰, 李诗渊, 刘巧霞. 一种新的贝壳烯酸-13α-羟化酶、其编码基因及其应用,中国专利:ZL 201410105875.8,授权日:2018/3/23PCT/CN2015/074344

3.  王勇,郝玉有,顾东,王立琴. 用于发酵的棉籽蛋白及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,ZL 201310102884.7,授权日:2015/1/21

4.  王勇, 熊智强, 李诗渊, 汪建峰. 高效合成萜类化合物的重组大肠杆菌底盘细胞及其制法和应用,中国专利 ZL 201310501221.2,授权日:2017/7/11

5.  王勇, 熊智强, 李诗渊, 汪建峰. 利用微生物生产甜菊糖苷类化合物的方法,中国专利:ZL201310460493.2PCT/CN2013/084618授权日:2017/1/18加拿大专利: CA2886893C,授权日:2019/5/7美国专利: US14/432,147授权日: 2017/4/4

6.  王勇,汪建峰,熊智强,李诗渊,刘巧霞. 异源合成广霍香醇的方法和微生物,中国专利:ZL 201410309347.4,授权日:2019/5/31

7.  王勇,华君重组大肠杆菌及其在合成莱鲍迪苷D中的用途,中国专利:ZL 201710875197.7, 授权日:2020 /07/28

8.  王勇,吕华军,孙雨伟,李建华,裴亮,华君,重组酵母菌催化合成莱鲍迪苷M的方法,中国专利:ZL 201811148603.0, 授权日:2020/06/09PCT/CN2018/113714

9.  王勇陈卓孙雨伟,黄酮碳苷单体化合物的应用,中国专利号:ZL 201811000248.2PCT/CN2019/103568授权日:2021/02/02

10.  王勇, 熊智强, 宋书杰, 刘巧霞,汪建峰. 一种提高大肠杆菌异源合成聚酮类化合物的方法和用途, 中国专利号: 201510253481.1,授权日:2021/02/02PCT/CN2015/079161美国专利:US 10920229 B2授权日:2021/02/16

11.  Y WangJ HuaL PeiMethods for Producing rebaudioside D and rebaudioside M and compositions thereofUS 11,274,328 B2,授权日:2022/3/15

12.  王勇,鄂恒超,刘海利,具有α-糖苷酶抑制活性的酰基他定类化合物、其制备方法及应用,中国专利号:ZL 201811224799.7,授权日:2022 /04/19

13. 王勇,孙雨伟,陈卓,李建华,新型UDP-糖基转移酶及其应用,中国专利号:ZL 201810995580.0PCT/CN2018/113714, 授权日:2022/02/25

14.  王勇,刘志凤,孙雨伟,陈卓,李建华,刘海利,吕华军,糖基转移酶UGT76g1突变体的制备及其应用,中国专利申请号:ZL 201910918850.2WO2021/057913PCT/CN2020/11781授权日:2023/03/12

15.  王勇,李建华,田晨菲,合成黄芩素和野黄芩素的微生物、其制备方法及其应用,中国专利申请号:ZL 201811043657.0 PCT/CN2019/104658,授权日:2023/08/25

16.  王勇,许建林,刘海利,具有脂肪酶抑制活性的酰基他定类化合物、其制备方法及应用,中国专利号: ZL 202010837834.3,授权日:2023/10/03

17.  王勇,李建华,王凯博,用于生产5α-羟基紫杉二烯的融合蛋白及其用途,中国专利:ZL201910938117.7授权日:2023/3/17

18.  王勇,孙雨伟,陈卓,新型糖基转移酶及其应用,中国专利号:ZL 201711250803.2  授权日:2023/4/25

19.  王勇,刘志凤,孙雨伟,糖基转移酶突变体及其应用,中国专利号:ZL 20191917940.X,授权日:2023/01/13

20.  王勇,孙雨伟,刘志凤,糖基转移酶UGT76G1突变体的制备及其应用,中国专利号:ZL 201910918850.2  授权日:2023/4/7

21.  王勇,刘海利,张前,李建华,孙雨伟,小檗碱生产菌株、其建立方法及其应用,中国发明专利号:ZL 202010976017.6  授权日:2023/11/21

22.  王勇,孙雨伟,陈卓,新型黄酮羟基化酶、合成黄酮碳苷类化合物的微生物及其应用,中国专利号: ZL 202010129425.8, 授权日:2024/01/26  PCT/CN2021/078193

23.  王勇,吕华军,张英,邵洁,刘海利,阿魏酸生产工程菌、其建立方法及其应用,中国专利: ZL 202010806606.X,授权日:2024/01/26

24.  王勇,李建华,计东尼,异源合成黄酮类化合物的宿主细胞及其应用,中国专利号:202110009696.4,PCT/CN2022/070316


