张斌 博士
(1) 国家重点研发计划子课题,2023YFA0914400,2024-2028,120万元,主持。
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,32301269,2024-2026,30万元,主持。
(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2023M741175,2024-2025,8万元,主持。
(4) 上海市科技启明星(扬帆专项),2023YF1409900,2023-2025,20万元,主持。
(5) 企业横向课题,“高手性乳酸稳定生产工业菌株开发”,2022-2024,50万元,主持。
(6) 企业横向课题,“农作物秸秆用于生产油脂和蛋白产品的菌种和工艺开发”,2023-2025,150万元,主持。
1. Yingying Xu, Bin Zhang*, Jie Bao*. Production of γ-aminobutyric acid using corncob residue as carbohydrate feedstock by engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2025, 215: 109629.
2. Agustian Chen#, Bin Zhang#, Jie Bao*. Adaptive evolution of Paecilomyces variotiienhanced the biodetoxification of high-titer inhibitors in pretreated lignocellulosic feedstock. Bioresource Technology. 2024, 411, 131351.
3. Bin Zhang#, Ying Han#, Jie Bao*. Formulating the racemic lactic acids-free nitrogen ingredients from plant proteins for cellulosic chiral lactic acid fermentation. Industrial Crops & Products. 2024, 217, 118821.
4. Bin Zhang, Qingmei Han, Qi Liu, Ya Wang, Jie Bao*. Recycling of waste calcium carbonate in lignocellulosic biorefining chain for chiral lactic acid production. Bioresource Technology. 2024, 395, 130303.
5. Qi Liu#, Bin Zhang#, Mingshan Hu, Jie Bao*. Simultaneous enhancement of lignin-derived inhibitor tolerance and lipid accumulation of oleaginous yeast Trichosporon cutaneum by adaptive evolution. Process Biochemistry. 2024, 137, 20-29.
6. Tao Han#, Bin Zhang#, Hucheng Yang, Xiucai Liu, Jie Bao*. Changes in pH values allow for a visible detection of the endpoint in submerged liquid biodetoxification during biorefinery processing. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2023, 11, 45, 16608-16617.
7. Bin Zhang#, Hucheng Yang#, Ya Wang#, Jie Bao*. Improving the dissolved oxygen level in high solids loading cellulosic sugar acids fermentation by restructuring the biorefinery chain. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 200, 109111.
8. Bin Zhang#, Dayu Ren#, Qi Liu#, Xiucai Liu, Jie Bao*. Coproduction of single cell proteins and lipid from lignocellulose derived carbohydrates and inorganic ammonia salt with soluble ammonia recycling. Bioresource Technology. 2023, 384:129345
9. Qi Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Weiliang Hou, Bin Zhang*, Jie Bao*. Cellulase mediated stress changes the cell wall structure of oleaginous yeast Trichosporon cutaneum during adaptive evolution with ultra-centrifugation fractionation. Biotechnology Journal. 2023, 2300091.
10. Shuai Shao#, Bin Zhang#, Ya Wang, Tao Han, Jie Bao*, Dry biorefinery conversion of cadmium-contaminated rice grain and straw to ethanol with complete collection and recycling of cadmium. Industrial Crops & Products. 2023, 197:116550.
11. Bin Zhang, Xiucai Liu, Jie Bao*, High solids loading pretreatment: the core of lignocellulose biorefinery as an industrial technology-An overview. Bioresource Technology. 2023, 369:128334.
12. Bin Zhang, Faryal A. Khushik, Baorui Zhan, Jie Bao*. Transformation of lignocellulose to starch-like carbohydrates by organic acid-catalyzed pretreatment and biological detoxification. Biotechnology & Bioengineering. 2021, 118: 4105-4118.
13. Bin Zhang, Jing Li, Xiucai Liu, Jie Bao*, Continuous simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) for cellulosic L-lactic acid production. Industrial Crops & Products. 2022, 187: 115527.
14. Bin Zhang, Baorui Zhan, Jie Bao*. Reframing biorefinery processing chain of corn fiber for cellulosic ethanol production. Industrial Crops & Products. 2021, 170: 113791.
15. Bin Zhang, Lei Wu, Ya Wang, Jing Li, Baorui Zhan, Jie Bao*. Re-examination of dilute acid hydrolysis of lignocellulose for production of cellulosic ethanol after de-bottlenecking the inhibitor barrier. Journal of Biotechnology. 2022, 353: 36-43.
16. Tao Han#, Bin Zhang#, Hongxing Li, Hongsen Zhang, et al., Jie Bao*. Year-round storage operation of three major agricultural crop residue biomasses by performing dry acid pretreatment at regional collection depots. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2021, 9: 4722-4734.
17. Wei Zeng#, Bin Zhang#, Mengxuan Li, Su Ding, Guiguang Chen, Zhiqun Liang*. Development and benefit evaluation of fermentation strategies for poly (malic acid) production from malt syrup by Aureobasidium melanogenum GXZ-6. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 274:479-487.
研究生课程《Biomass Process Engineering》