发布时间:2025-01-21   访问次数:18590






      江苏镇江人,博士、教授。1985至1989年于江南大学,获发酵工程工学学士学位;并于1994在该校获发酵工程工学博士学位。1995年至今,在华东理工大学生物工程学院从事教学和科研工作,期间于2000年至2002年于日本大阪大学生物工程国际交流中心博士后研究。长期从事生物质资源化与生物产品的科研、技术开发与教学工作。研究方面,在Appl Microbiol BiotechnolJ BiotechnolSmallNanotechnology等中外期刊上发表论文40多篇,率先将Red重组技术应用于克雷伯菌细胞工厂的构造,建成了国内首套万吨级1,3-丙二醇产业化装置。教学方面,上海市育才奖,主讲课程《发酵工程》为国家精品课程。



1. 合成生物学:


2. 生物过程工程




1. Yang, M., Zhou, X., Bao, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, B., Gan, L., Tao, W., Tuo, J., and Gong, H., Comprehensive Genomic Analysis Reveals Extensive Diversity of Type I and Type IV Secretion Systems in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Curr Microbiol, 2023. 80(8): p. 270.

2. Zhang, Y., Yang, M., Bao, Y., Tao, W., Tuo, J., Liu, B., Gan, L., Fu, S., and Gong, H., A genome-scale metabolic model of the effect of dissolved oxygen on 1,3-propanediol fermentation by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2023.

3. Dong, S., Liu, X., Chen, T., Zhou, X., Li, S., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Mutation of rpoS is Beneficial for Suppressing Organic Acid Secretion During 1,3-Propandiol Biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Curr Microbiol, 2022. 79(8): p. 218.

4. Zhou, X., Chu, Q., Li, S., Yang, M., Bao, Y., Zhang, Y., Fu, S., and Gong, H., A new and effective genes-based method for phylogenetic analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2022. 100: p. 105275.

5.  Bao, W., Wei, R., Liu, X., Dong, S., Chen, T., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Regulation of Pyruvate Formate Lyase-Deficient Klebsiella pneumoniae for Efficient 1,3-Propanediol Bioproduction. Curr Microbiol, 2020. 77(1): p. 55-61.

6.  Xu, D., Jia, Z., Zhang, L., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Analysis of the Growth and Metabolites of a Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex- Deficient Klebsiella pneumoniae Mutant in a Glycerol-Based Medium. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2020. 30(5): p. 753-761.

7. Zhang, L., Bao, W., Wei, R., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Inactivating NADH:quinone oxidoreductases affects the growth and metabolism of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2018. 65(6): p. 857-864.

8.  Zhang, Y., Jia, Z., Lin, J., Xu, D., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Deleting pck improves growth and suppresses by-product formation during 1,3-propanediol fermentation by Klebsiella pneumoniae. J Appl Microbiol, 2017. 123(3): p. 678-687.

9. Huang, Y., Gu, J., Xiang, G., Xu, J., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Detection of total protein in milk using phosphomolybdic acid-mediated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2016. 47(3): p. 277-282.

10. Lin, J., Zhang, Y., Xu, D., Xiang, G., Jia, Z., Fu, S., and Gong, H., Deletion of poxB, pta, and ackA improves 1,3-propanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2016. 100(6): p. 2775-84.

11. Cui, Y.L., Zhou, J.J., Gao, L.R., Zhu, C.Q., Jiang, X., Fu, S.L., and Gong, H., Utilization of excess NADH in 2,3-butanediol-deficient Klebsiella pneumoniae for 1,3-propanediol production. J Appl Microbiol, 2014. 117(3): p. 690-8.

12. Gao, L.R., Jiang, X., Fu, S.L., and Gong, H., In silico identification of potential virulence genes in 1,3-propanediol producer Klebsiella pneumonia. J Biotechnol, 2014. 189(10): p. 9-14.

13. Zhong, Z.H., Liu, L.F., Zhou, J.J., Gao, L.R., Xu, J.J., Fu, S.L., and H., G. Influences of 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde and lactate on the production of 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2014. 1,  DOI: 10.1186/s40643-014-0002-z.

14. Xu, J., Turner, J.W., Idso, M., Biryukov, S.V., Rognstad, L., Gong, H., Trainer, V.L., Wells, M.L., Strom, M.S., and Yu, Q., In situ strain-level detection and identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Anal Chem, 2013. 85(5): p. 2630-7.

15. Zhang, L., Xu, J., Mi, L., Gong, H., Jiang, S., and Yu, Q., Multifunctional magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles for fast concentration and sensitive detection of bacteria using SERS. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2012. 31(1): p. 130-6.

16. Xu, J., Kvasnicka, P., Idso, M., Jordan, R.W., Gong, H., Homola, J., and Yu, Q., Understanding the effects of dielectric medium, substrate, and depth on electric fields and SERS of quasi-3D plasmonic nanostructures. Opt Express, 2011. 19(21): p. 20493-505.

17. Xu, J., Zhang, L., Gong, H., Homola, J., and Yu, Q., Tailoring plasmonic nanostructures for optimal SERS sensing of small molecules and large microorganisms. Small, 2011. 7(3): p. 371-6.

18. Xu, J.J., Guan, P., Kvasnicka, P., Gong, H., Homola, J., and Yu, Q.M., Light Transmission and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Quasi-3D Plasmonic Nanostructure Arrays with Deep and Shallow Fabry-Perot Nanocavities. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011. 115(22): p. 10996-11002.

19. Yu, Q., Braswell, S., Christin, B., Xu, J., Wallace, P.M., Gong, H., and Kaminsky, D., Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on gold quasi-3D nanostructure and 2D nanohole arrays. Nanotechnology, 2010. 21(35): p. 355301.



