发布时间:2022-06-22   访问次数:40374






庄英萍,女,博士,研究员,博导。现任华东理工大学生物工程学院院长,国家生化工程技术研究中心(上海)主任, “863”生物和医药领域工业生物技术主题专家,中国化工学会生物化工专业委员会副主任委员,上海市微生物学会副理事长。

长期从事发酵过程优化与放大研究,曾承担“973”课题负责人,上海市科委基地建设项目“上海生物过程工程专业服务平台再建设”项目负责人,2021年获批“绿色生物制造”重点研究计划项目“生物反应器与智能生物制造”一项。在长期研究中,她和她的研究团队围绕工业生物过程的基础研究、关键共性技术研究和技术推广开展了大量工作,在多尺度发酵过程参数相关分析理论方法基础上,又形成了基于细胞生理特性和反应器流场特性相结合的工业生物过程优化与放大理论与方法及其相关的装备,并在红霉素、头孢菌素C等数十个品种的工业发酵产品中成功应用;近年又提出了智能生物制造的新理念,并不断实践,为提升我国工业生物制造领域技术进步不断做出贡献。曾获得国家科技进步二等奖三项,近年获上海市科技进步、轻工联合会、教育部等二等奖三项;作为通讯作者在Trends in BiotechnologySCI杂志发表30余篇文章,获授权发明专利30余项。



1.  家禽疫苗大规模全悬浮连续流细胞培养关键技术及应用,2021年天津市科技进步一等奖(排名第5

2.  生物乙醇智能生产关键技术及产业化,2020年中国轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖(排名第6

3.  反应器流场和微生物反应动力学的发酵过程新一代理性放大技术,2019年中国轻工业联合会,科技进步奖二等奖(排名第1

4.  细胞代谢模型理性指导的红霉素新一代关键生产技术及应用,2019年教育部科技进步奖二等奖(排名第5

5.  黑曲霉细胞工厂氧代谢全局调控葡萄糖酸钠高效生产新技术,2018年上海市科技进步二等奖 (排名第5

6.  基于细胞生理与过程信息处理的工业发酵优化新技术,2011年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第3

7.  基于参数相关的发酵过程生物反应器优化与放大技术,2002年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第3

8.  新型食品添加剂呈味核苷酸二钠关键生产工艺,2004年获国家科技进步二等奖(排名第4

9.  先进技术集成的红霉素生产新工艺 ,2008年上海市科技进步一等奖(排名第3




2.  自然科学基金项目:流场环境与细胞反应相互感知的产黄青霉“在体”动力学模型的建立与数值模拟研究(21978085),2020-202365万元

3.  上海市重点项目:上海生物过程工程服务平台再建设,(项目编号:18DZ2290800),2018-2021150

4.   上海市重点项目:上海生物过程工程服务平台再建设,(项目编号:15DZ2290550);2015-2017200

5.   上海市重点项目:上海生物过程工程服务平台再建设,(项目编号:13DZ2290500),2013-2015200

6.   上海市重点项目:上海生物过程工程服务平台再建设,(项目编号:11DZ2292700),2011-2013250

7.   973课题:工业生物技术的过程科学基础研究--生化反应过程放大原理与方法(项目编号:2007CB714303),2007-2011450

8.   国家科技支撑项目课题:抗生素大规模生产关键技术创新--抗生素发酵工艺与装备集成创新研究(项目编号:2007 BAI26B02),2007-2011150




1.  线下一流课程:《发酵工程》,课程负责人,证书编号:2020130537

2.  虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程:《糖化酶催化啤酒发酵工艺虚拟仿真实验》,课程负责人,证书编号:2020127008




1.  Muhammad Mohsin, Rabia Omer Zubair, Jiaofang Huang*, Ali Mohsin, Meijin Guo, Jiangchao Qian, Yingping Zhuang*, Advances in engineered Bacillus subtilis biofilms and spores, and their applications in bioremediation, biocatalysis, and biomaterials.2021, Synthetic & Systems  Biotechnology. 6(3): 180-191, DOI10.1016/j.synbio.2021.07.002 (SEP 2021)

2Jingru Zhou, Yingping Zhuang*, Jianye Xia*, Integration of enzyme constraints in a genome-scale metabolic model of Aspergillus niger improves phenotype predictions. 2021, Microbial Cell Factories. 20(1):125, DOI10.1186/s12934-021-01614-2JUN 30 2021

3Xiaonuo Teng, Chao Li, Xiaoping Yi*, Yingping Zhuang*, A novel scale-up strategy for cultivation of BHK-21 cells based on similar hydrodynamic environments in the bioreactors.  2021, Bioresources & Bioprocessing. 8(1), DOI10.1186/s40643-021-00393-3, AUG 13 2021

4.  Jianye Xia, Guan Wang, Meng Fan, Min Chen, Zeyu Wang, Yingping Zhuang*, Understanding the scale-up of fermentation processes from the viewpoint of the flow field in bioreactors and the physiological response of strains.2021, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 30: 178-184.FEB 2021

5.   Ali Mohsin, Waqas Qamar Zaman, Meijin Guo*, Waheed Ahmed, Imran Mahmood Khan, Sobia Niazi, Abdur Rehman, Haifeng Hang, Yingping Zhuang*, Xanthan-Curdlan nexus for synthesizing edible food packaging films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 162:43-49. (2020.11, IF5.162Q1)

6.  Yu-fei Sui, Tabea Schuetze, Li-ming Ouyang, Hongzhong Lu, Peng Liu, Xianzun Xiao, Jie Qi, Ying-Ping Zhuang*, Vera Meyer*,  Engineering cofactor metabolism for improved protein and glucoamylase production in Aspergillus niger. Microbial Cell Factories. 2020,19(1),198,DOI: 10.1186/s12934-020-01450-w (2020.10, Q1 ,IF4.187)

7.   Shaohuang Shen, Guan Wang, Ming Zhang, Yin Tang, Yang Gu, Weihong Jiang, Yonghong Wang*, Yingping Zhuang*, Effect of temperature and surfactant on biomass growth and higher-alcohol production during syngas fermentation by Clostridium carboxidivorans P7. Bioresources & Bioprocessing. 2020,7(1),56,DOI: 10.1186/s40643-020-00344-4 (2020.10.22)

8.   Ze-Jian Wang, Xingzi Zhang, Ping Wang, Meijin Guo, Siliang Zhang, Yingping Zhuang*, Oxygen Uptake Rate Controlling Strategy Balanced with Oxygen Supply for Improving Coenzyme Q(10)Production byRhodobacter sphaeroides. Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering. 2020,25(3): 459-469 (2020.7, Q3,IF:2.213)

9.   Hui Ni, Ali Mohsin, Meijin Guo,  Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*, Two-component system AfrQ1Q2 involved in oxytetracycline biosynthesis of Streptomyces rimosus M4018 in a medium-dependent manner. Journal of Bioscience & Bioengineering. 2020,129(2): 140-145 (2020.2, Q2, IF:2.366)ngineering. 2020,25(3): 459-469 (2020.7, Q3,IF:2.213)

10.  Yu-Fei Sui#, Li-Ming Ouyang#, Tabea Schuetze, Shu Cheng, Vera Meyer*, Ying-Ping Zhuang*,Comparative genomics of the aconidial Aspergillus niger strain LDM3 predicts genes associated with its high protein secretion capacity. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-020-10398-1(Feb.20 20)

11.  Zejian Wang, Jiayun Xue, Huijie Sun, Mingxia Zhao, Yonghong Wang, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*, Evaluation of mixing effect and shear stress of different impeller combinations on nemadectin fermentation. Process Biochemistry. 2020, 92:120-129 (2020.5,Q2,IF:2.952)

12.  Guan Wang, Haringa, C., Wenjun Tang, Henk J. Noorman,, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*, & Siliang Zhang,  Coupled metabolichydrodynamic modeling enabling rational scaleup of industrial bioprocesses. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2020,117(3), 844-867.

13.   Guan Wang, Haringa, C.,Henk J. Noorman,, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*. Developing a Computational Framework To Advance Bioprocess Scale-Up. Trends in Biotechnology. 2020, 38(1), 68-82

14.   Guan Wang, Junfei Zhao, Xinxin Wang, Tong Wang, Yingping Zhuang*, Ju Chu*, Siliang Zhang, Henk J. Noorman, Quantitative metabolomics and metabolic flux analysis reveal impact of altered trehalose metabolism on metabolic phenotypes of Penicillium chrysogenum in aerobic glucose-limited chemostats. Biochemical Engineering Journal.2019,146:41-51 (2019.6) Q2

15.   Guan Wang, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*, A dynamic model-based preparation of uniformly- C-13-labeled internal standards facilitates quantitative metabolomics analysis of Penicillium chrysogenum. Journal of Biotechnology, 2019, 299:21-31(2019.6) Q2

16.   Hui Ni, Ali Mohsin, Meijin Guo*, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*,Two-component system AfrQ1Q2 involved in oxytetracycline biosynthesis of Streptomyces rimosus M4018 in a medium-dependent manner. Journal of Bioscience & Bioengineering,2019,129(2):140-145(2019.08)

17.   Jia Lin, Xiaoping Yi, Yingping Zhuang*, Medium optimization based on comparative metabolomic analysis of chicken embryo fibroblast DF-1 cells. RSC Advances. 2019, 9(47): 27369-27377 (2019.9) Q2

18.   Guan Wang, Xinxin Wang, Tong Wang, Walter van Gulik, Henk J. Noorman, Yingping Zhuang,* Ju Chu*, Siliang Zhang ,Comparative Fluxome and Metabolome Analysis of Formate as an Auxiliary Substrate for Penicillin Production in Glucose-Limited Cultivation of Penicillium chrysogenum. Biotechnology Journal. 2019, 14(10):1900009 (2019.10) Q1

19.   Qi Zhang, Haifeng Hang, Xiwei Tian, Wei Zeng, Zhenhua Yu, Xiaojian Wang, Yin Tang, Yingping Zhuang*, Ju Chu*, Combined available nitrogen resources enhanced erythromycin production and preliminary exploration of metabolic flux analysis under nitrogen perturbations. Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering. 2019, 42(11):1747-1756 (2019.11) Q2

20.   Wei Zou, Xiao-Hua Wang, Kui-Pu Zhang, Ali Mohsin, Mei-Jin Guo*, Hua-Mei Liu, Li Zhang, Lan Li, Si-Liang Zhang, Ying-Ping Zhuang*. Study on production enhancement of validamycin A using online capacitance measurement coupled with H-1 NMR spectroscopy analysis in a plant-scale bioreactor. Process Biochemistry. 2018,65:28-36,Sep,2018

21.   Ao Pan, Minghui Xie, Jianye Xia*, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang*.Gas-liquid mass transfer studies: The influence of single- and double-impeller configurations in stirred tanks. 2018, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.2018,35(1):61-72 .Jan,2018

22.   Ao Pan, Minghui Xie, Chao Li, Jianye Xia*, Ju Chu,  Yingping Zhuang*, CFD Simulation of Average and Local Gas-Liquid Flow Properties in Stirred Tank Reactors with Multiple Rushton Impellers. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan.2018, 50(12):878-891

23.   Shaohuang Shen, Yang Gu,Changsheng Chai, Weihong Jiang,Yingping Zhuang*,Yonghong Wang*, Enhanced alcohol titre and ratio in carbon monoxide-rich off-gas fermentation of Clostridium carboxidivorans through combination of trace metals optimization with variable-temperature cultivation, Bioresource Technology. 2017,239:236-243

24.   Yaning Chang, Yuke Peng, Pengfei Li, Yingping Zhuang*, Practices and Exploration on competition of molecular biological detection technology among students in food guality and safety major. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education. 2017, 45(4):343-350

25.  Xiangyun Lv, Bo Yu, Xiwei Tian, Yu Chen, Zejian Wang, Yingping Zhuang*, Yonghong Wang*. Effect of pH, glucoamylase, pullulanase and invertase addition on the degradation of residual sugar in L-lactic acid fermentation by Bacillus coagulans HL-5 with corn flour hydrolysate.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering. 2016,61:124-131.

26.   Ze-JianWang,WeiZhang, Jian-WenZhang,Mei-Jin Guo, Ying-pingZhuang*,Optimization of a broth conductivity controlling strategy directed by an online viable biomass sensor for enhancing Taxus cell growth rate and Taxol productivity.RSC Advances. 2016, 6(47):40631-40640

27.  Zhongwu Xia,† Xiaoping Yi† and Yingping Zhuang*. Stable over-expression of the human malate-aspartate NADH shuttle member Aralar I in PK15 cells improves energy metabolism and enhances proliferation of porcine circovirus-2. RSC Advances.  2016, 6, 61268–61277

28.  Xiangyun LvJiali Song, Bo Yu, Huilan Liu, Chao Li, Yingping Zhuang*, Yonghong Wang*,High-throughput system for screening of high L-lactic acid-productivity strains in deep-well microtiter plates. 2016, Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering. 39(11):1737-1747. DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1649-y

29.   AoPan, MinghuiXie,JianyeXia*,JuChu,YingpingZhuang*, Gas-liquid mass transfer studies: The influence of single- and double-impeller configurations in stirred tanks. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.2016,35(1):61-72

30.  Xiangyun Lv, Yuanxin Guo, Yingping Zhuang*, Yonghong Wang*, Optimization and validation of an extraction method and HPAEC-PAD for determination of residual sugar composition in L-lactic acid industrial fermentation broth with a high salt content. Analytical Methods. 2015, 7(21):9076-9083

31.   Lan Li, Zejian Wang*, Xuejun Chen, Ju Chu, Yingping Zhuang, Siliang Zhang, Optimization of polyhydroxyalkanoates fermentations with on-line capacitance measurement. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 156:216-221.

32.   Wang, Yong, Zhuang, Ying-ping*, Wang, Ping, Chu, Ju, Zhang, Si-liang. Regulation of meilingmycin in Streptomyces nanchangensis: Effect of ammonium ion, Korean Journal of  Chemical Engineering. 2010, 27(3): 910-914

33.   Suwen Hu,  LeiDeng, Huamao Wang, Yingping Zhuang, Ju Chu, Siliang Li, Zhonghai Zhang, Meijin Guo, Bioprocess development for the production of mouse-human chimeric anti-epidermal growth factor receptor vIII antibody C12 by suspension culture of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells. Cytotechnology. 2011,63(3):247-258, MAY 2011


1. Siliang Zhang,Xuejun  Cao,Ju Chu,Jiangchao Qian ,Yingping Zhuang ,Bioreactors and Bioseparation,  Biotechnology in China: Chemicals, Energy & Envronment. Advances in  Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology.2010, 122: 105-150
2. Siliang Zhang, Ju  Chu, Yingping Zhuang, A Multi-Scale Study of Industrial Fermentation Processes  and Their Optimization, Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol , 87: 97–150, 2004

一、专利授权 :
1.  一种提高肌苷发酵过程糖苷转化率及产率的方法,发明申请号:200310122798.9,申请日期:2003-12-25,授权号: ZL 2003 1  0122798.9, 授权日期:2006-01-04, 申请人:储炬,陈双喜,张嗣良,庄英萍
2.  一种蚯蚓纤溶酶及其编码序列与用途,发明专利申请号:200510023241.9,申请日期:2005-01-12, 专利授权号ZL 2005 1  0023241.9,授权日:2007-12-19,申请人:储炬,黄文华,秦奕辉,庄英萍,张嗣良
3.  一种制备硫腺苷甲硫氨酸的改进方法,发明专利申请号:200510025183.3,申请日期:2005-04-19, 专利授权号 ZL 2005 1  0025183.3,授权日:2008-1-30,申请人: 张嗣良,储炬,胡晓清,朱志钢,朱闪,庄英萍,王永红
4.  一种重组复合α干扰素的制备方法,专利号申请号:200510028285.0 申请日期:2005-07-29, 专利授权号ZL 2005 1  0028285.0,授权日:2008-3-5,申请人:储炬,郝玉有,张嗣良,庄英萍,史琪琪,王永红,杭海峰,刘志敏
5.  一种新的腺苷甲硫氨酸的体外酶促转化方法, 申请号:200610024158.8, 申请日期:2006-02-27, 专利授权号ZL 2006 1  0024158.8,授权日:2008-1-23,申请人:庄英萍,武鑫,储炬,张嗣良,胡晓清,袁中一
6.  一种S-腺苷甲硫氨酸生产菌株的构建及大规模发酵,申请号:200610117828.0,申请日期:2006-11-1,授权专利号:ZL 2006 1  0117828.0,授权日期:2009-9-9,申请人:储炬,胡辉,王勇,张嗣良,庄英萍
7. 组成型大肠干菌基因工程菌的发酵工艺,  申请号:200610024465.6,申请日期:2006-03-08, 公开号:CN1821386A,申请人:  张嗣良,储炬,苟斌全,庄英萍,黄华,李震,王永红
8.  一种新的发酵生产乳酸的培养基配方,申请号:200610118858.3,申请日期:2006-11-29,公开号:CN1962851A,申请人:庄英萍,邱伙琴,徐国谦,储炬,张嗣良,王永红
9.  一种发酵生产S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的方法,申请号:200710036807.0,申请日期:2007-1-24,公开号CN101012470A,专利号:ZL200710036807.0,申请人:储炬,张卓,张嗣良,庄英萍,王永红,胡晓清,袁中一
10.  重组的降糖肽及其生产菌株的构建和培养方法,申请号:200710037133.6,申请日期:2007-2-5,公开号CN101029081A,申请人:庄英萍,王晖,储炬,张嗣良,钱江潮,王永红
11.  一种制备链霉菌全蛋白的方法,申请号:200710047439.X  ,申请日期:2007-10-26日,公开号:CN101157721A,专利授权号:ZL200710047439.X,申请人:王永红, 银鹏, 张嗣良, 庄英萍,  储炬
12.  利用重组大肠杆菌高效生产丙酮酸氧化酶的培养基,申请号:200710047750.4,申请日期:2007-10-28,公开号:CN101182486A,授权号:200710047750.4,申请人:张嗣良,赵劼,王永红,储炬,庄英萍,袁中一
13.  利用氧化还原电位调控乳酸发酵,申请号200810034199.4,申请日期:2008年3月4日,公开号:CN101235397A,专利号:ZL200810034199.4,授权日:2010年12月8日,申请人:王永红,储炬,郑继岱,徐国谦,庄英萍,张嗣良
14.  基于氧化还原电位自动反馈调控厌氧发酵生产乙醇的方法,申请日期:2008年9月26日,申请号:200810200505.7,公开号:CN101358210A,专利号:ZL200810200505.7,申请人:杭海峰,王永红,王强,储炬,庄英萍,郑超,张嗣良
15.  一种重组人复合α干扰素(cIFN)异构体的分离方法,申请日期:2008年5月16日,申请号:200810037559.6,公开号:CN101580533A,专利号:ZL200810037559.6,申请人:庄英萍,杨琪,郝玉有,储炬,程杰,王维娜,符晓辉,张嗣良
16.  利用铵离子调控林可霉素发酵过程及提高林可霉素产素,申请日期2008年1月23日,申请号:200810032954.5,公开号:CN101220385.A,专利号:ZL200810032954.5,申请人:储炬,李啸,张嗣良,庄英萍,钟承赞,葛友群,杭海峰,王永红,郭美锦,夏建业,章付林,杨明
17.  一种快速酶解混合蛋白质的方法,申请号:200810207956.3,申请日期:2008年12月26日,授权号:ZL200810207956.3,授权日期:2011年11月9日,申请人:李友元,李雅萍,王永红,陈长华,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良
18.  微孔板固定装置,申请号:200920068480.X,专利号:ZL2009200688480.X,申请日期:2009年3月5日,申请人:郝玉有,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良(实用新型)
19.  一种微孔板盘,申请号:200920068504.1,专利号:ZL200920068504.1,申请日期:2009年3月6日,申请人:郝玉有,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良(实用新型)
20.  GAP启动子文库及其用途,申请号:200910053198.8,申请日期:2009年5月17日,公开号:CN101922047A,专利号:ZL200910053198.8,授权日:2012年12月26日,申请人:钱江潮,秦秀林,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良,肖慈英
21.  基于生物信息的发酵过程工艺分析软件(简称发酵之星),登记号:2009SR027762,编号:软著登字第0154761号,著作权人:华东理工大学
22.  基于生物信息的发酵过程控制软件V1.0,登记号:2009SR027760,编号:软著登字第0154759号,著作权人:华东理工大学
23.  基于振荡-补光策略的新型光合生物制氢工艺,申请号:200910048227.2,公开号:CN101845460A,专利号:ZL  200910048227.2,授权日:2012年,申请日期:2009-3-26,申请人:王永红,张明,李旭,张嗣良,张波,储炬,庄英萍,鲍杰
24. 提高脱氮假单胞杆菌维生素B12产量的方法200810034948.3申请日期:2008-03-21,专利授权号:ZL  200810034948.3,专利授权日:2013-04-17,申请人:张嗣良;赵强;李昆太;刘东洪;庄英萍;储炬;王振国;李永亮
25. 基于氧消耗速率的维生素B12发酵生产控制工艺,专利申请号:200910196035.6,申请日期:2009-09-22,专利授权号:ZL200910196035.6,专利授权日:2013-04-17,申请人:张嗣良;王泽建;王慧媛;储炬;庄英萍
26. 发酵联动装置,申请号:201220588863.1,申请日期:2012年11月9日,专利授权号:ZL201220588863.1,授权日期:2013年5月8日,申请人:王泽建,张明,张剑坤,张嗣良,储炬,庄英萍,郭美锦,黄明志,夏建业,杭海峰(实用新型)
27. 微型全息式生物传感反应器系统,申请号:201010176549.8,申请日期:2010年5月19日,专利授权号:ZL201010176549.8,专利授权日:2013年6月26日,申请人:黄明志,王泽建,张一鸣,陈丽,刘玉伟,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良
28. 一种可精确定时、定量并在位灭活的全自动快速取样设备,申请号:201310180350.0,申请日期:2013年5月15日,专利授权号:ZL201310180305.0,授权日期:2014年10月12日,申请人:黄明志,李敏超,王泽建,刘玉伟,储炬,庄英萍,张嗣良
29. 基于工业以太网技术的发本地过程数据通信软件,登记号:2013SR20247,授权日:2013年11月06日,开发完成日期:2013年05月27日,著作权人:华东理工大学
30. 一种头孢菌素C的发酵方法,申请号:201210429362.3,专利授权号:ZL201210429362.3,授权日期:2014年10月15日,申请日期:2012年10月31日,申请人:黎亮,张俊波,储炬,李树友,庄英萍,苗瑞春,张嗣良,陆俊
31. 一种提高土霉素产量的方法,申请日期:2012年3月16日,申请号:201210071770.6,授权日期:2015年6月17日,申请人:郭美锦,张嗣良,于岚,顔湘云,王龙,储炬,庄英萍,肖慈英
32. 一种增加龟裂链霉菌的土霉素产量的方法,  申请日期:2011年4月27日,专利申请号:  201110107321.8,授权日:2015年3月4日,完成人:郭美锦;郑子静;姚高峰;储炬;庄英萍;张嗣良;钱江潮
33. 谷氨酸棒状杆菌细胞膜脂肪酸组成的分析方法,  专利申请号:201210044608.5, 申请日期:2012年2月24, 授权日:2015年8月12日,  刘玉伟;康茜;刘剑;赵策;杭海峰;刘云肖;霍秦秦;黄明志;庄英萍;储炬;张嗣良
